Startups - Good Advice

Startups are notoriously difficult and there is often a situation where either there is too much advice, the wrong advice, and/or conflicting advice

Generally speaking we think that one of the most important things a prospective business owner can do is to do their Due Diligence on any advisers – specifically

1. Have they ever started their own business?
2. Have they ever successfully rated finance for a new business – either their own or a clients?
3. What is their current client portfolio? – ask for a couple of references

For general information there is a very good source of information available at – as you drill in to the site it does try and push you out to affiliates so be careful of that – however there is some genuinely good information available too

Additionally Companies House does publish some information too which might be helpful –

Finally if you have any Intellectual Property we strongly recommend you first visit the Government site – for some very helpful information and signposting